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Meal 1:
1 Scoop Hydrowhey, 1 Schoop 100% Gold Standart, 150gr Oatmeal

Meal 2:
15 Egg whites, 150 gr Oatmeal

Meal 3: (Post Workout)
1 Scoop Hydrobuilder, 1 scoop, 100% gold standart, 1 scoop BCAAs and Glutamine, 150 gr Oatmeal

Meal 4:
300gr Griller Chicken/Steak, 75 gr Brown Rice, 75 gr Vegetables (Spinach/Green beens)

Meal 5:
300gr Grilled Chicken, 150gr Vegetables( Spinach and Green beens)

Meal 6:
300gr Grilled Chicken, 150gr Vegetables( Spinach and Green beens)

Meal 7:
2 scoops Casein, 1 scoop BCAAs and Glutamine

Supplements( in order of importance):

1: Protein (Hydrowhey, Hydrobuilder, Casein, 100% gold standart
2.BCAAs and glutamine from the vitamine shoppe
3. Multivitamin: Animal Pak
4. Pre Workout( With Creatine and other things) Jacked
5. fat burner: oxielite pro/meltdown
6. Nitric Oxid: Nitrix
7. fish oils: vitamine shoppe
8. glucosamine for joints, vitamine shoppe
6. Fish oils

Electro-Muscle Stimulation
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